the following is a transcript of a phone call between Al Gore and Chinese Government officials.
Al Gore: Hello, Mr Lee, thank you for speaking with me today. I wanted to call and express my concern about the air pollution problem recently in Beijing.
Chinese Gov't Representative Lee: Thank you for expressing your concern, Mr. Gore, however I can assure you, this problem is not recent.
Al Gore: Well, ok. But that's bad. See? And I'm an environmental activist. See?
Rep. Lee: Oh, I see. I thought you were an actor. I saw your performance in "An Inconvenient Truth", and you were hilarious.
Al Gore: Ok, but that wasn't a comedy, it was a documentary. Pollution is a real problem. That's the concern, the air pollution in Beijing, for instance, is a real problem for the Olympic athletes.
Rep. Lee: I see. Well, we've solved the issues you're speaking of for the Olympics. We've taken half of the cars off of the road in Beijing. Those drivers will not contribute any pollution to Beijing's air.
Al Gore: Ok, that's fixed it for the 2 weeks of the Olympics. But I'm concerned with harming the environment, for the future. what happens when the Olympics are ove, and those drivers go back to driving their cars?
Rep. Lee: They won't. We killed them.
Al Gore: excuse me? You killed those cars?
Rep. Lee: No, of course not. Just the drivers. We needed them to stop pollution, so we killed them. What else could we do?
Al Gore: Well, I thought you just made them stopped driving their cars?
Rep. Lee: Ha Ha. We could not rob them of their freedoms like that. They were people, you know, people with freewill. So, better to just kill them.
Al Gore: But, surely....
Rep. Lee: Look, these people were breathing before. You realize that every time they breathe out, they put carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? That's a pollutant. Now none of those people will spoil your precious environment.
Al Gore: Yes, thank you. But I don't see that ...
Rep. Lee: Wait - doesn't your country do this? what about Timothy MacVeigh? Didn't you kill him?
Al Gore: well, he was a convicted terrorist.
Rep. Lee: So were these people. Environmental Terrorists, with their breathing out all the time. They were Evil doers!
Al Gore: But I wouldn't say...
Rep. Lee: did I mention they were all also Muslims? And French Communists? And they worked on the animation for Jar-Jar Binks?
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